понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Fairfax election slates shape up - The Washington Post

Fairfax County's election slate is coming into focus, and thismuch is clear: It will be a very good year for people who earn aliving making campaign signs.

Party-sponsored candidates had until June 15 to file to run inthe Aug. 23 primaries, and with every state and local office inFairfax County except county clerk up for grabs, the stakes arehigh.

Republicans hope to wrest control of the Virginia Senate withseveral key races in Fairfax and other Northern Virginia districts.Democrats are fighting to hang on, casting themselves as the lonebulwark against GOP dominance of state government.

Democrats also hope to keep their grip on Virginia's mostpopulous and economically powerful jurisdiction, and perhaps evenbuild on their majority by taking back a seat on the Fairfax CountyBoard of Supervisors from a Republican in the Braddock District.

Republicans hope to keep the Braddock seat in their column andincrease their numbers on the board, but they like their odds evenbetter in what is shaping up to be a spirited and wide-open fightfor the Fairfax County School Board.

'There is a ton of anger out there about how the School Board andthe superintendent are running the schools,' said Anthony Bedell,chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee.

All 10 incumbents on the Board of Supervisors - seven Democrats,including chairman Sharon Bulova, and three Republicans - have filedfor reelection in districts that changed only minimally because ofredistricting.

In elections for law enforcement offices, two Republicans, Harold'Wes' Kammerer and William A. Cooper III, will face off in theprimary to determine who will challenge incumbent Sheriff Stan G.Barry (D). Commonwealth's Attorney Raymond F. Morrogh (D) will rununopposed.

Some themes have already emerged. Several Senate districts inFairfax, including those held by first-term Democratic Sens. GeorgeL. Barker and David W. Marsden, are expected to be among the state'skey battlegrounds as the GOP tries to overcome the Democrats' 22-to-18 lead. So is the seat held by Sen. Linda T. 'Toddy' Puller, as twoRepublicans, ousted state GOP leader Jeff Frederick and PrinceWilliam County businessman Tito Munoz, have filed to challenge theDemocrat.

Two additional Senate seats in Northern Virginia have opened upthrough the retirements of Sens. Patricia S. Ticer (D-Alexandria)and Mary Margaret Whipple (D-Arlington).

Although the Republican-controlled House of Delegates has aformidable majority, both parties are watching the match betweenincumbent Del. David B. Albo (R) and Democratic challenger JackDobbyn in a Fairfax district that has been drifting towardDemocrats. Another closely watched race involves Del. Barbara J.Comstock, a McLean Republican who is running for a second term, andDemocratic challenger Pamela B. Danner.

In the Board of Supervisors races, the Braddock District will bewatched as a bellwether, as Democrats hope to retake the seat thatRepublican supervisor John C. Cook won after Bulova, who representedBraddock for 21 years, became chairman.

Two Democrats - Janet S. Oleszek, a former School Board memberwho nearly defeated then-Sen. Ken Cuccinelli II (R) four years ago,and Chris Wade, a newcomer with endorsements from Bulova and others -will face off in the primary.

As a member of the board's Republican trio, Cook has votedagainst budgets that includes effective tax increases, and he hasbeen a skeptic of spending on affordable housing. In an interview,Cook said he believes that voters will reelect him because of hisrecord of handling constituents' needs.

'My theme is 'taking care of our neighbors,' ' Cook said.

With half of the School Board's incumbents retiring and a seriesof controversies surrounding Virginia's largest school district,there is keen attention on that board's races. Democrats say peopleare following the campaign only because six members are retiring.But Republicans say many people are unhappy with the board andSuperintendent Jack D. Dale because of controversies including azero-tolerance discipline policy, the imposition of fees for playingteam sports and the closing of Clifton Elementary School.

Republicans say their 43 candidates make up one of the mostinclusive tickets ever offered by the GOP in Fairfax, with morewomen and minorities than ever. Democrats argue that the Republicancandidates are more extreme than ever. Democrats say voters would bewise not to disturb a team whose pragmatic management has enabledNorthern Virginia to weather the economic recession better than itspeers.

'I think we have a very positive story to tell,' said Bulova, whowill face Republican Michael 'Spike' Williams of Herndon. Anindependent candidate, A. Will Radle, of the county's Alexandriasection, has also filed to challenge her.

Rex Simmons, who chairs the Fairfax County Democratic Committee,said the Republican slate has been infected with the extremeideology of the tea party movement.

'The other side is against government, period. That's all theywant to do is tear government down,' Simmons said.

But Bedell said the GOP plans to follow the strategy that handedvictory to Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R): emphasizing efficiency overideology. That means focusing on economic growth, fixingtransportation problems and holding down taxes, Bedell said.

'I think people are more and more given to voting for Republicansin Fairfax County because we're the party of ideas and solutions,'he said.

'Just because Sharon Bulova's been in office 20-plus yearsdoesn't really mean she's doing a good job,' Bedell said, addingthat it is like 'being in your own bubble; you breathe your ownfumes.'