понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.


Allen C. Griffith*

Age: 56.

Education: BA, political science and economics, Mankato StateCollege, Minnesota.

Occupation: Retired human resources manager, General ServicesAdministration.

Elected offices/civic activities: Member, School Board, 1996-present; president, Mosby Woods Community Association, 1988-present;member, Board of Zoning Appeals, 1989-96; chairman, Fairfax 2020Economic Development Committee, 1991-93; member, Fairfax CityCouncil, 1984-88.

Family: Wife, Sandra; two daughters.

Why should the voters elect you? 'The current School Board hasdone an extraordinary job to create an educational environmentdesigned for excellence. The Fairfax High School Academy forCommunications Arts, the Lanier Electronic Learning Area, and oursoon to be opened magnificent new elementary schools all are designedto enhance educational results. As a result of these and otherimprovements made and planned, City students truly receive a 'WorldClass' education, and the sitting School Board deserves to bereelected.'

What would you like voters to know about you? 'I chair the SchoolBoard's Technology Committee. This emphasis has resulted inremarkable strides and uses of technology in all City schools.'

Web site: None.

E-mail address: griffith@patriot.net

P. Samuel Mershon

Photo not available.

Age: 52.

Education: BA, Russian studies, University of Maryland.

Occupation: Civil servant, Department of Defense.

Elected offices/civic activities: Member, Fairfax City Council,1990-98; second vice president, Mosby Woods Community Association,1989-96.

Family: Not married; two daughters.

Why should the voters elect you? 'I have experience in schoolrelated issue based on my City Council services. I was councilliaison to Schools Facility Committee for two years and was a memberof the Elementary School Task Force. I am the only School Boardcandidate running who has 'school aged children.' '

What would you like voters to know about you? Nothing provided.

Web site: None.

E-mail address: smershon@patriot.net

Janice B. Miller*

Age: 54.

Education: BS, education, University of Kansas.

Occupation: Travel consultant, Vienna International Travel CenterInc.; former intermediate school teacher.

Elected offices/civic activities: Member, School Board, 1996-present, 1977-80, 1982-92 (total of 17 years of service); chairman,School Board, 1984-92, vice chairman, 1996-present; member, FairfaxCity Council, 1992-94; Chocolate Lovers Festival Committee; NorthernVirginia Project Graduations; Friends of Fairfax; past member, PRAB;active in PTAs and youth sports; past president, Fairfax LittleLeague Inc.

Family: Husband, Jan O. Miller; three sons and one daughter.

Why should the voters elect you? 'The most important boardresponsibilities over the next two years are: Continuing to work withFairfax County to provide exceptional educational opportunities forchildren and fostering high academic expectations for all students aswell as providing a successful opening for our two consolidatedelementary schools. The board must also encourage new leadership andextensive community participation in schools decisions. My experienceas an elected official and extensive record of community leadershipoffer continuity to carry on the board's work. I am proud of thisSchool Board's commitment to community involvement in schooldecisions and pledge to continue that practice.'

What would you like voters to know about you? 'My extensive recordof community leadership since 1970 provides unique institutionalperspective and exceptional knowledge of the school system, the citygovernment and the community.'

Web site: None.

E-mail address: jmiller@patriot.net

Gene P. Moore*

Age: 67.

Education: BA, University of Tennessee; MS, special education,East Tennessee State University; MS, special education, University ofVirginia.

Occupation: Retired, Fairfax County public schools.

Elected offices/civic activities: Member, Fairfax City Council,1962-69, 1988-90; member, School Board, 1992-present; volunteer, LambCenter, a drop-in center for the homeless.

Family: Four foster and adopted children.

Why should the voters elect you? 'Because as a School Boardmember, we are in a redevelopment program, both academically andstructurally. In the next two years, these programs can be totallyimplemented, at which time the children of our city will have thebest educational opportunities in the Washington metro area.'

What would you like voters to know about you? 'That I am aneducator, and at this point, a proud grandfather!'

Web site: None.

E-mail address: gmoore3164@aol.com

Penelope A. 'Penny' Rood*

Age: 51.

Education: BA, history, George Mason University; MA, education,Catholic University; JD, George Mason School of Law.

Occupation: Code Enforcement Coordinator III, Fairfax County.

Elected offices/civic activities: State Board of Youth and FamilyServices, 1989-94; Virginia State Juvenile Justice and DelinquencyPrevention Advisory Board, 1986-89; Fairfax/Falls Church CommunityServices Board, 1984-90; Virginia Bar Association; School Board, 1996-present.

Family: Husband, John J. Harold; two adult stepchildren.

Why should the voters elect you? 'The City Voters should reelectme to finish implementing the important academic programs andfacility projects that the current Board has initiated to enhance theeducation of the City's children. With the vision for the schoolsestablished, the task for the next several years will be twofold.First, evaluate these innovative programs to verify that our childrenare getting the best possible education and are meeting stateacademic standards. Secondly, develop a long-range plan to ensure theviability of the middle and high school facilities. My extensiveprofessional and civic experience will greatly aid these importantresponsibilities.'

What would you like voters to know about you? 'I have 29 years ofexperience in children's issues including juvenile justice, educationand mental health. This experience is a valuable resource for thecommunity.'

Web site: None.

E-mail address: prood@usa.net

* Indicates Incumbent