MCLEAN ROSE LECTURE, Bill Blevins and Ken Hrechka discuss whichrosebushes to buy, how to fertilize and prune them in spring and howto transport and groom blooms to win awards, sponsored by the PotomacRose Society, 7:45-9:30 p.m., Cooper Middle School library, 977 BallsHill Rd., McLean. Free. 301-869-4948.
VICTORIAN SUPERNATURAL STORIES, reenactors read stories of thesupernatural by Victorian authors, 8 p.m., Cherry Hill Farmhouse, 312Park Ave., Falls Church. $4; reservations required. 703-248-5171.
'OUR TOWN,' Thornton Wilder play performed by the Vienna TheatreCompany, 8 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Oct. 24, 25, 31 and Nov. 1; signedperformance for the deaf, 2 p.m. Oct. 26, Vienna Community Center,120 Cherry St. SE. $8; students and seniors, $7. 703-255-6360.
GHOST TRAIN RIDE, for 10 and younger, ride a train through'haunted' woods, past Witches Junction, through the Fairytale Loop toPumpkin Patch, treats included, costumes recommended, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.Saturday and Sunday, Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Rd., Fairfax Station.$3; 2 and younger, free. 703-323-6600.
JOBS AND THE DISABLED, information for people with disabilities onjob opportunities and how to apply, refreshments, hosted by theLaurie Mitchell Employment Center, noon-3 p.m., the employmentcenter, 6295 Edsall Rd., Suite 175, Alexandria. Free; preregistrationrequired. 703-461-3886.
OAKTON FAIR, children's games, a moon bounce, ponies, lunch, liveentertainment, proceeds to benefit the historic Vale Schoolhouse, 11a.m.-3 p.m., the schoolhouse, Fox Mill and Vale roads, Oakton. Free.703-264-3589.
GEORGE MASON ROCKTOBERFEST, live bands, a chili cook-off, sportsactivities, children's games, to benefit George Mason University'sathletic scholarship fund, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., the university, ParkingLot L, next to the Patriot Center, 4500 Patriot Cir., Fairfax. $5;students with George Mason ID, $1; 1 and younger, free. 703-993-3216.
GREAT FALLS BALLROOM DANCE, big-band music by the Colvin Run DanceBand, 9 p.m.-midnight; polka dance lesson, 8 p.m., Colvin Run SchoolHouse, 10201 Colvin Run Rd., Great Falls. $12; lesson, $5. 703-430-3342.
CALLIGRAPHY CRAFT SHOW, Washington Calligraphers Guild's HolidayArtsFest, exhibit of Graceful Envelope Contest winners and othercalligraphy artwork, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Fairfax High School, 3500 OldLee Hwy., Fairfax. $5; 11 and younger, free. 301-897-8637.
VIENNA MODEL RAILROAD, Northern Virginia Model Railroaders house, featuring a fixed operating HO-scale railroad withdigital control, sound and smoke, noon-4 p.m., Washington and OldDominion Railroad Station, 231 Dominion Rd., Vienna. Free. 703-938-5157.
ALEXANDRIA CRAFTS SALE, plus a silent auction, a bake sale, doorprizes and lunch, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Hollin Hall Senior Center, 1500Shenandoah Rd., Alexandria. Free admission. 703-765-4573.
RESTON HOUSE TOURS, self-conducted tours of five homes thatrepresent the development of Reston in the past several decades,light refreshments, sponsored by Reston Historic Trust, 10 a.m.-5p.m., shuttle service to sites from the Reston Chamber of Commerce,1763 Fountain Dr.; tickets available at the Reston Museum, 1639Washington Plaza at Lake Anne Village Center. $25. 703-709-7700.
MCLEAN SYMPHONY CONCERT, with the Marcolivia Duo, 7:30 p.m., AldenTheater, McLean Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Ave. $18. 703-790-9223.
MCLEAN 18TH-CENTURY MARKET FAIR, period beverages and waresavailable for purchase, 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, ClaudeMoore Colonial Farm at Turkey Run, 6310 Georgetown Pike, McLean. $5;seniors and ages 3-12, $2.50; 2 and younger, free. 703-244-7557.
FAIRFAX SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, concert with guest conductor LeonardSlatkin, 8 p.m.; discussion, 7 p.m., George Mason University, Centerfor the Arts, Concert Hall, Fairfax. 703-218-6500.
MOUNT VERNON ORCHESTRA, concert, 'Music of Argentina,' 5 p.m.,West Potomac High School, 6500 Quander Rd., Alexandria. $20; seniorsand college students, $17; 18 and younger, free. 703-799-8229.
SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES FORUM, at least 12 candidates for theFairfax County School Board are expected to field questions from theaudience about programs for gifted students, sponsored by the FairfaxCounty Association for the Gifted, 7:30 p.m., Thomas Jefferson HighSchool for Science and Technology, auditorium, 6560 Braddock Rd.,Alexandria. Free. 703-917-7960.
FAIRFAX CHORAL PERFORMANCE, Little River Glen Senior Center Chorusperforms 'A Treasure Chest of Song,' 1 p.m., the center, 4001 BarkerCt., Fairfax. Free. 703-503-8703.
RESTON PANEL ON PRESCHOOLS, members of Mothers First, a supportgroup for stay-at-home mothers, discuss how to decide when to firstsend children to school and how to choose a preschool, 7:30 p.m.,Reston Regional Library, Meeting Room 1, 11925 Bowman Towne Dr. Free;preregistration required. 703-827-5922.
ANNANDALE COMPUTER CLASS, 'Intermediate PowerPoint XP,' a hands-on class offered by the Capital PC User Group, 6-9 p.m., AnnandaleUnited Methodist Church, Room 305, 6935 Columbia Pike. $29;nonmembers, $39; preregistration required. 301-762-9372.
-- Compiled by Jean Mack
Items are accepted on a space-available basis from public andnonprofit organizations only and must be received at least 14 daysbefore the Thursday publication date. Submit information to CommunityEvents, The Washington Post, 4020 University Dr., No. 220, Fairfax,Va. 22030. Include event name, dates, times, exact address, pricesand a publishable contact phone number.