PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL'S FUTURE, 'Foretelling the Future ofProfessional Baseball,' panel discussion by sports writers FrankCresesi, Paul Dickson, Bill Gilbert, John Holway and James C.Roberts, 7-8:30 p.m., Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Spectrum Center,1851 Fountain Dr., Reston. Free. 703-437-9490.
PERSONAL HISTORY CLASS, for people interested in documenting theirlife stories, no previous writing experience required, 9-10:30 a.m.Thursdays, through Feb. 27, Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St.SE, Vienna. $15; preregistration required. 703-255-6360.
FAIRFAX AUCTION TALK, David Quinn of the Auction House of FallsChurch discusses how an auction works, how to bid and more, plus amock auction, a meeting of the Fairfax Antique Arts Association, 7p.m., Oak View School, 5004 Sideburn Rd. Free. 703-323-4803.
POTOMAC SUNSET SAIL, weather permitting, a dory boat ride on thePotomac River, includes discussion of Alexandria history, sponsoredby the Alexandria Seaport Foundation, 6-7:30 p.m. Fridays andWednesdays, Waterfront Park, between Prince and King streets.Suggested donation, $8; reservations required. 703-549-7078.
ALEXANDRIA SENIOR DANCE, music by the Mount Vernon Swing Band,7:30-9:30 p.m., Hollin Hall Senior Center, 1500 Shenandoah Rd.,Alexandria. $4 a person. 703-765-4573.
CAPITOL STEPS IN MCLEAN, political satire performance group, 8p.m. Friday and Saturday, McLean Community Center, Alden Theatre,1234 Ingleside Ave. $30. 202-432-7328 or 703-790-9223.
SENIORS BIKE TRIP, for 50 and older, an 18-mile bike ride alongthe C&O Canal to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., includes van transportation,snacks and lunch, sponsored by the Vienna Parks and RecreationDepartment, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., van departs from the Vienna CommunityCenter, 120 Cherry St. SE. $65; Vienna residents, $55; rental bikes,$20; helmets, $3; preregistration required; space limited. 703-255-6360.
GREAT FALLS PARK DISCOVERY DAY, nature exhibits; ranger programson snakes, vultures, gold-panning and canal tours; live raptorspresented by the Raptor Conservancy of Virginia; music by the MillRun Dulcimer Band; and a campfire program on Native Americans, 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Great Falls Park, 9200 Old Dominion Dr., McLean. Freeadmission; $5 a car; reservations accepted for spot at the campfire.703-285-2965.
SPIES OF WASHINGTON TOUR, bus tour of espionage-related sites inNorthern Virginia, Georgetown and other parts of the District, lunchon your own at the International Spy Museum in Washington, sponsoredby the Cold War Museum, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., bus departs from the PentagonCity Metro station. $55. 703-273-2381 or
VIENNA HISTORY WALK, led by Town Council member Maud Robinson,includes the Windover District, the Old Library, the W & OD Cabooseand Church Street buildings, sponsored by the Vienna/Oakton AreaBranch of the American Association of University Women, 10 a.m.-noon, Freeman Store, 131 Church St. NE. Free. 703-938-1581.
RESTON MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL, live music, dance performances,storytelling, arts and crafts, children's games, information boothsand cultural displays from the United States, Australia, Asia, LatinAmerica, Eastern Europe and other parts of the world, co-sponsored bythe Reston Community Center, rain or shine, come dressed in yournative attire, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Lake Anne Plaza, Baron Cameron Avenueand Village Road. Free. 703-476-4500.
MCLEAN PIG ROAST, with music by Fly by Night, sponsored by theMcLean VFW Ladies Auxiliary, 3-10 p.m., McLean VFW Post 8241, 1051Springhill Rd. $15. 703-883-9250.
FAIRFAX ARTS AND CRAFTS, stained glass, drawings, woodworking,dolls, porcelain, calligraphy, jewelry, fused glass, watercolors,quilts, leather work and more, plus door prizes and food for sale, 10a.m.-5 p.m., Robinson High School, 5035 Sideburn Rd., Fairfax. $3; 12and younger, free. 703-426-2100.
ALEXANDRIA WILDFLOWER SALE, fall flowering plants, springephemerals and sun and shade plants, sponsored by the PotowmackChapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., GreenSpring Gardens Park, Alexandria. Free admission. 703-920-1913 or 703-534-8179.
FAIRFAX ART SHOW AND AUCTION, Send a Kid to Camp VA Jaycee benefitevent, featuring works in oils, lithographs, serigraphs, enamels,prints, watercolors and more, plus an hors d'oeuvres reception,sponsored by the Jaycee Mission Inn Foundation for children with AIDSand Camp Virginia Jaycee for mentally retarded children and adults, 2p.m., American Legion Post 177, 3939 Oak St., Fairfax. $10; couples,$15. 703-502-0161.
CLIFTON NATURE PROGRAM, for children accompanied by an adult,'Little Critters,' 1-2:30 p.m., Audubon Naturalist Society, WebbSanctuary, 12829 Chestnut St., Clifton. $8; adults, free;preregistration required. 703-803-8400.
FAIRFAX PIANO CONCERT, Jeffrey Siegel performs Mozart, Haydn andHummel, 7 p.m., George Mason University, Center of the Arts, BraddockRoad and Route 123, Fairfax. $32.50 and $37.50; 12 and younger, half-price. 703-218-6500.
PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS, support group for single parents,meeting for prospective members of Fairfax Chapter 715, 3-4 p.m.,Pohick Regional Library, 6450 Sydenstricker Rd., Burke. Free. 703-451-6119 or 703-866-7896.
ANNANDALE CRAFT SALE, 'American Autumn,' pottery, baskets, glass,porcelain, carved wood and more, sponsored by the Artisans UnitedCraft Gallery, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays, through Nov. 4,Packard Center, Annandale Community Park, 4022 Hummer Rd. Freeadmission. 703-941-0202.
FAIRFAX COUNTY BOARD MEETING, Board of Supervisors, 9:30 a.m.,Fairfax County Government Center, Board Auditorium, 12000 GovernmentCenter Pkwy. 703-324-3151.
FAIRFAX CITY COUNCIL MEETING, 7 p.m., Fairfax City Hall, 10455Armstrong St. 703-385-7935.
HERNDON ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCE, no partner necessary, all dancestaught by dance leader Barbara Harding, with fiddler Don McFall, 7:45p.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, Harding Hall, 730Jackson St., Herndon. $3. 703-437-3615.
SENIORS SCIENCE COURSE, for 50 and older, 'Science Topics,' eightweeks, subjects range from molecular biology to outer space, 11:30a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays, George Mason University, Learning andRetirement Institute, 4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax. Free;preregistration required. 703-503-3384.
SENIORS PUBLIC ACCESS TV TOUR, a behind-the-scenes view of thecounty public access TV Channel 10, plus information about a six-week program on how to produce a TV show, sponsored by the ViennaParks and Recreation Department, 1:30-2:30 p.m., 2929 Eskridge Rd.,Suite S, Fairfax. Free; preregistration required. 703-255-6360.
-- Compiled by Ria Manglapus
Items are accepted on a space available basis from public andnonprofit organizations only and must be received at least 14 daysbefore the Thursday publication date. Submit information to:Community Events, The Washington Post, 4020 University Dr., No. 220,Fairfax, Va. 22030. Include event name, dates, times, exact address,prices and a publishable contact phone number.