FAIRFAX COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, 7 p.m., Luther Jackson MiddleSchool, 3020 Gallows Rd., Falls Church. 703-423-1050.
RESTON TAKE-A-BREAK CONCERT, big-band music by Miles StiebelOrchestra; bring a low beach chair or blanket. 7-9 p.m., Lake AnneVillage Center, Washington Plaza, Reston. Free. 703-476-4500.
VIENNA SPEECHMAKING PROGRAM, demonstration of public-speakingskills and information on improving them, sponsored by Hunter MillToastmasters. 7:30 p.m., Patrick Henry Public Library, 101 Maple Ave.E., Vienna. Free. 703-281-2824.
FAIRFAX CITY OUTDOOR CONCERT, City of Fairfax Band, bring ablanket or low beach chair. 8 p.m., lawn of the VeteransAmphitheater, Fairfax City Hall, 10455 Armstrong St. Free. 703-385-7858.
RIVERDANCE PERFORMANCE, 8 p.m., Wolf Trap, Filene Center, 1551Trap Rd., Vienna. In-house seating, $65, $58, $50; on the lawn, $20.For tickets, 877-965-3872; for information, 703-255-1900.
ALEXANDRIA AREA CONCERT, Slovenian folk music by the Joe GrkmanBand. 7:30 p.m., Kingstowne Town Center, 5955 Kingstowne Blvd.,Alexandria area. Free. 703-324-7469.
SPRINGFIELD OUTDOOR CONCERT, Kings Park Concert Band. 7:30 p.m.,Lake Accotink Park, 7500 Accotink Park Rd., Springfield. Free. 703-324-7469.
FAIRFAX OUTDOOR CONCERT, rock-and-roll by the Grandsons. 7:30p.m., Royal Lake Park, 5344 Gainsborough Dr., Fairfax area. Free. 703-324-7469.
ANNANDALE OUTDOOR CONCERT, Caribbean music by the Stephen SamuelBand. 7:30 p.m., Mason District Park, 6621 Columbia Pike, Annandale.Free. 703-941-1730.
FAIRFAX CITY OUTDOOR MOVIE, the PG-rated, animated 'Madagascar,'about animal adventures; pizza and popcorn for sale; bring a blanketor low beach chair. Field opens at 7 p.m.; band concert at 7:30 p.m.;movie begins at dark, Van Dyck Park, 3730 Old Lee Hwy., Fairfax City.Free admission. 703-273-6333.
VIENNA MOVIE IN THE PARK, G-rated movie, parents must remain withchildren during the movie; bring a low beach chair or blanket. Dusk,Glyndon Park, 300 Glyndon St. NE, Vienna. Free. 703-255-7842.
GMU BAND CONCERT, Army Concert Band. 8 p.m., George MasonUniversity, Center for the Arts, Fairfax. Free. 703-696-3399.
RIVERDANCE PERFORMANCE, 8 p.m. Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday andSunday, Wolf Trap, Filene Center, 1551 Trap Rd., Vienna. Evenings: in-house seating, $70, $63, $55; on the lawn, $20; afternoons: in-house, $55, $48, $40; lawn, $16. Tickets, 877-965-3872; information,703-255-1900.
STATE PARK BUS TRIP, to Lake Anna State Park in SpotsylvaniaCounty to swim, hike, play water sports, tour a gold mine or ride apontoon; hot dogs, hamburgers and veggie burgers provided for lunch,bring side dishes to share, sponsored by Reston Community Center. 8a.m.-7 p.m., bus departs from and returns to the center, 2310 ColtsNeck Rd., Reston. $44; additional fees for some activities, includingswimming, gold mine tour and pontoon boat tour. 703-476-4500.
CLIFTON SUMMER KIDS FEST, children's entertainers, arts andcrafts, children's activities, a silent auction, food and more, tobenefit the Clifton playground fund. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Clifton TownPark, Main Street between Chapel Road and Chestnut Street. $5. 703-815-8600.
FAIRFAX STATION PUPPET SHOW, Blue Sky Puppet Theater. 10 a.m.,Burke Lake Park, amphitheater, 7315 Ox Rd., Fairfax Station. Free.703-324-7469.
CHANTILLY CHILDREN'S MUSIC PROGRAM, 'Overture to Orchestra,'presented by the Fairfax Symphony's string quartet. 10 a.m., EllanorC. Lawrence Park, amphitheater, 5040 Walney Rd., Chantilly. Free. 703-324-7469.
RESTON CHILDREN'S MUSIC PROGRAM, 'Overture to Orchestra,'presented by the Fairfax Symphony's woodwind quintet. 10 a.m., LakeFairfax Park, amphitheater, 1400 Lake Fairfax Dr., Reston. Free. 703-324-7469.
ANNANDALE PUPPET SHOW, Bob Brown Puppets perform 'World on aString.' 10 a.m., Mason District Park, 6621 Columbia Pike, Annandale.Free. 703-941-1730.
GREAT FALLS ICE CREAM MAKING, watch ice cream being made and helpcrank it. Noon-4 p.m., Colvin Run Mill Historic Site, 10017 ColvinRun Rd., Great Falls. Free admission; ice cream samples, 75 cents.703-759-2771.
'SONGS ON THE POTOMAC,' singer-songwriters Jesse Palidofsky, CareyCreed and Michelle Swan. 4:30-6:30 p.m., Riverbend Park, 8700 PotomacHills St., Great Falls. Free. 703-324-7469.
FAIRFAX CITY OUTDOOR MOVIE, PG-13-rated movie 'Harry Potter andthe Goblet of Fire,' pizza and popcorn for sale; bring a blanket orlow beach chair. Field opens at 7 p.m.; band concert at 7:30 p.m.;movie begins at dark, Van Dyck Park, 3730 Old Lee Hwy., Fairfax City.Free admission. 703-273-6333.
RESTON OUTDOOR CONCERT, reggae and Latin rhythms by 'Baaba Seth,'bring a low beach chair or blanket. 7:30-10 p.m., the Pavilion,Reston Town Center. Free. 703-912-4062.
ALEXANDRIA CHORAL CONCERT, '20th Century Pop: Broadway, Bebop 'n'Blues,' by the Alexandria Singers. 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday,Bishop Ireton High School, 201 Cambridge Rd., Alexandria area.Reserved seating, $20; general seating, $15; active military,students and seniors, $10; 6 and younger, $5. 703-941-7464.
MCLEAN CONCERT IN THE PARK, Yosi and the Superdads, four-piecefamily band. 4 p.m., McLean Central Park, 1468 Dolley Madison Blvd.Free. 703-790-0123.
FAIRFAX CITY OUTDOOR MOVIE, PG-rated 'The Princess Bride,' pizzaand popcorn for sale; bring a blanket or low beach chair. Field opensat 7 p.m.; local band concert at 7:30 p.m.; movie begins at dark, VanDyck Park, 3730 Old Lee Hwy., Fairfax City. Free admission. 703-273-6333.
ANNANDALE CHORAL CONCERT, Alban Chorale. 7:30 p.m., Mason DistrictPark, 6621 Columbia Pike, Annandale. Free. 703-941-1730.
FAIRFAX COUNTY BOARD MEETING, 9 a.m., Fairfax County GovernmentCenter, Board Auditorium, 12000 Government Center Pkwy. 703-324-3151.
CRIME PREVENTION TALK, Bruce and Judy Jones give a talk titled'Self-Defense for Seniors' at a lunch meeting of the National Activeand Retired Federal Employees Association. 11:30 a.m., Amphora DeluxeDiner, 1151 Elden St., Herndon. $14; reservations required. 703-968-5837.
FAIRFAX CITY OUTDOOR MOVIE, PG-13-rated 'Hitch,' pizza and popcornfor sale, bring a blanket or low beach chair. Field opens at 7 p.m.;local band concert at 7:30 p.m.; movie begins at dark, Van Dyck Park,3730 Old Lee Hwy., Fairfax City. Free admission. 703-273-6333.
FAIRFAX CITY COUNCIL MEETING, 7 p.m., Fairfax City Hall, 10455Armstrong St. 703-385-7935.
FAIRFAX CITY OUTDOOR MOVIE, PG-rated 'Raiders of the Lost Ark,'bring a blanket or low beach chair. Field opens at 7 p.m.; local bandconcert at 7:30 p.m.; movie begins at dark, Van Dyck Park, 3730 OldLee Hwy., Fairfax City. Free admission. 703-273-6333.
'ANNIE' MUSICAL, 8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and June 29, Wolf Trap,Filene Center, 1551 Trap Rd., Vienna. In-house seating $52, $45, $35;on the lawn $18. Tickets, 877-965-3872; information, 703-255-1900.
FRANCONIA OUTDOOR CONCERT, folk-roots music of Paul Reisler and aThousand Questions. 7:30 p.m., Lee District Park, 6601 Telegraph Rd.,Franconia. Free. 703-922-9841.
GARDEN STROLL AND TEA, a guided tour of gardens, followed by afull English tea. 1-3 p.m., Green Spring Gardens Park, 4603 GreenSpring Rd. (entrance is on Witch Hazel Road, three miles east ofBeltway Exit 54B on Braddock Road), Alexandria area. $24;reservations required. 703-941-7987.
VIENNA MAGIC SHOW, for age 5 and older, James Wand, 'Secret AgentMagician,' performs. 2 p.m., Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St.SE. $3. 703-255-6360.
FALLS CHURCH PARK CONCERT, by Esencia Tropicale (bring a blanketand a picnic) and an exhibition of paintings by Dave and SabrinaCurtis. 7 p.m., Cherry Hill Park, 312 Park Ave., Falls Church. In theevent of rain, Falls Church Community Center, 223 Little Falls St.Free. 703-248-5077.
VIENNA OUTDOOR CONCERT, South African township jive by Mahala.7:30 p.m., Nottoway Park, 9601 Courthouse Rd., Vienna. Free. 703-938-7532.
ANNANDALE OUTDOOR CONCERT, Mariachi Los Amigos. 7:30 p.m., OssianHall Park, 7900 Heritage Dr., Annandale. Free. 703-324-7469.
FAIRFAX CITY OUTDOOR CONCERT, Alte Kameraden German band, bring ablanket or a low beach chair. 8 p.m., lawn of the VeteransAmphitheater, Fairfax City Hall, 10455 Armstrong St. Free. 703-385-7858.
-- Compiled by JEAN MACK
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